Search Results

Matches 1 to 4 of 4 for Tree equals Joyce of Leinster (Celtic Origins) AND Branch equals R-BY71053: Edmund Joyce (b. abt. 1770) of County Waterford

 #  Family ID   Father's Name    Mother's Name    Married    Location   Tree 
1 F3
JOYCE, Edmund BERRY, Alicia   Joyce of Leinster (Celtic Origins) 
2 F16
JOYCE, George Thomas JOYCE, Princetta Hannah   Joyce of Leinster (Celtic Origins) 
3 F2
JOYCE, Thomas RYAN, Elizabeth   Joyce of Leinster (Celtic Origins) 
4 F11
JOYCE, Thomas George SCANDLEN, Mary Elizabeth 23 Jun 1854 Westmorland, New Brunswick, Canada  Joyce of Leinster (Celtic Origins)