Search Results

Matches 1 to 39 of 39 for Tree equals Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) AND Branch equals R-BY31061: Michael Joyce (1818-1903) of Glenosheen, County Limerick

 #  Family ID   Father's Name    Mother's Name    Married    Location   Tree 
1 F1269
BARRY, Thomas JOYCE, Mary   Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
2 F1264
CARROLL, Michael Patrick JOYCE, Mary Catherine 1914  Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
3 F1220
CARROLL, Richard    Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
4 F1306
DOCKERY, Michael JOYCE, Kathleen Mary   Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
5 F1297
DUGGAN, V. JOYCE, Anon   Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
6 F1235
GALLAGHER, Joe JOYCE, Eileen   Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
7 F1296
GALLAGHER, W JOYCE, Anon   Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
8 F1300
HURLEY, Charles JOYCE, Isobel   Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
9 F1227
JOYCE, Garrett M.R.I.A.I. MCCARTHY, Anita B.A. H.Dip. in Ed.   Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
10 F1256
JOYCE, Garrett Anon   Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
11 F1238
JOYCE, Gerald William DUEWEKE, Florence D 19 Sep 1922 Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA  Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
12 F1237
JOYCE, Gerald William SORACI, Concetta 2 Jun 1934 Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA  Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
13 F1312
JOYCE, John Joseph MURRAY, Nora Josephine 6 Sep 1942 Pro-Cathedral, Dublin  Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
14 F1308
JOYCE, John Richard BOWMAN, Catherine 16 Sep 1890 Kildorrery  Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
15 F1298
JOYCE, John Richard DOLAN, Helena Gertrude Mar 1932 Dublin South, Ireland  Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
16 F1250
JOYCE, Joseph Cyril BRUGHA, Nessa 1950  Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
17 F1307
JOYCE, Michael LEONARD, Mary Kate   Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
18 F1271
JOYCE, Michael LYONS, Catherine 9 Jul 1845 Kildorrery  Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
19 F1261
JOYCE, Patrick WALSH, Mary 1889  Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
20 F1266
JOYCE, Richard Belgard MCMAHON, Maria 14 Jul 1883 Ennis, Co. Clare  Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
21 F1270
JOYCE, Robert O DONOHOE, Margaret   Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
22 F1231
JOYCE, Robert Michael JOYCE, Kathleen   Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
23 F1303
JOYCE, Robert William MCDONALD, Margaret Feb 1930 Sandymount, Dublin, Ireland  Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
24 F1265
JOYCE, William Bernard Kay   Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
25 F1251
JOYCE, William Bernard LONERGAN, Ellen 1889 Limerick, Ireland  Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
26 F1249
JOYCE, William Bernard KELLY, Mary Agnes Sep 1955 Braintree, Essex  Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
27 F1263
KILDUFF, Gerry JOYCE, Joan   Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
28 F1262
LONERGAN, Patrick JOYCE, Elizabeth   Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
29 F1203
MARTIN, John Captain HURLEY, Joyce   Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
30 F1304
MCGRATH, Anon JOYCE, Eileen   Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
31 F1226
MEAGHER HURLEY, Elma   Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
32 F1236
O'DONOGHUE, Robin Finbarr K.M. F.R.C.O.G. PRENDERGAST, Catherne   Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
33 F1302
PRENDERGAST, John JOYCE, Kathleen Mary   Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
34 F1305
REYNOLDS, Anon JOYCE, Peggy   Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
35 F1222
SWAN, Eric Reginald DEWSNAP, Ivy   Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
36 F1225
SWAN, Eric Reginald Joan 11 Jul 1969 Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa  Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
37 F1223
SWAN, Reginald Cecil JOYCE, Kathleen M 1926  Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
38 F1224
SWAN, Richard Joseph O'CARROLL   Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins) 
39 F1268
WALSH, Brian JOYCE, Noreen   Joyce of Munster (Celtic Origins)